#Storyteller: Episode 114 with Boston Red Sox’s Kelsey Doherty

Kelsey Doherty is the mind and creative behind the social and digital channels for the Boston Red Sox. She and the digital team set the tone for the season by engaging fans, but showcasing individual players themselves has become an increasingly important focus.


“It’s showcasing the guys off the field,” says Doherty, the team’s Senior Manager of Digital Media. “What they’re capable of, what their lives are like, and that they’re people with interests outside of baseball.”

In this episode of #Storyteller, Kelsey shares what the digital team did in the offseason to build content, how they’re preparing for Spring Training, and why they go into a season without a set hashtag.



On what makes up the best stories & how she measures success on social:

Engagement per post has become really important. If we were to win the World Series now, we probably would post a little less than we did.

The best stories are emotional, honest, and memorable.


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