If you’ve ever worked on a live production — whether it was a broadcast, concert, sports event, or livestream — you probably have premature grey hair. Now, if you’ve ever brought social content into that production to add perspective to your story, you’ve probably used Tagboard to do it. And it’s most likely made the overall experience a little less stressful.
But as intuitive and straightforward as Tagboard’s workflow is, not every system is. You have different graphics to manage, different hardware sets and software sets, different render times. You know the drill.
Today, we’re excited to release Smart Panels, an amazing product that allows broadcast, streaming, and live event producers to weave non-social content and graphics into the stories they already use Tagboard to tell. Our partners will no longer have to spend so much time and energy switching between all the systems.
With Smart Panels, any user of Tagboard Producer can add content from a variety of flexible sources — from countdowns and video clips to custom graphics and CTAs. Best of all, you can bring this content directly into the timeline you already use to feature and display social posts as a part of your programming, saving the time, hassle, and hardware of switching between graphics systems for each type of content.
Five Smart Panels are available to any Tagboard customer with a subscription to Tagboard Producer:

- Countdown: A simple yet dynamic countdown clock that informs attendees, fans, and viewers when your program will start.
- Graphic: A quick and easy way to incorporate graphics of any shape or size (from any source!) into your production story, and easily burn a credit or attribution over an image.
- CTA: A quick and easy way to type a question, a call-to-action, or content into a graphical element and bring into your production.
- YouTube: Bring any YouTube clip into your production.
- Vimeo: Bring any Vimeo clip into your production.
To learn more about how to use Smart Panels, and how to simplify your production using Tagboard Producer, contact your Tagboard customer success manager or email success@tagboard.com.